Internship Overview
A Campus Tulsa program conceived as the ultimate 9-week, paid, internship experience, Impact Academy sets you on a mission to make a big difference for yourself and Tulsa by working in teams to find and solve worthwhile problems in the Tulsa community.
The Interns. Impact Academy Interns are future city, state, and world leaders. This internship program is for students finishing their first or second year at a community college or four-year university. They are smart, hard-working, intellectually curious, driven, motivated, and they have a passion for improving their community.
The Projects. Impact Academy projects are sourced from our extensive network of nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Each project is different and unique, but all are big and exciting with the ability to have a real and lasting impact in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Each team utilized their newly developed design thinking skills to pilot their solutions and implement their ideas. The Internship culminates at Final Presentations where teams present their findings and recommendations to 125+ stakeholders and community leaders.
The Professional Development. Impact Academy Fellows develop powerful leadership, executive communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Our uniquely curated curriculum utilizes problem-solving frameworks from the world's top consulting firms and innovative startup methodologies including human-centered design and an emphasis on early-stage customer discovery. Throughout the project, interns also expand their network through exposure to Oklahoma’s top business and social impact leaders.
Campus Tulsa Programming. College students, discover all of Tulsa’s summer internship possibilities in one place — for free. By joining Campus Tulsa, you’ll gain access to professional development, and make new friends after hours at exclusive intern-only events. And Campus Tulsa is free. That’s right. It’s no cost for students. Learn more here!
Impact Academy has accelerated the professional trajectory of 50+ interns, who will serve as the next generation of Tulsa and world leaders.
Our Interns are current and emerging leaders in their colleges and careers, including I-CCEW, City of Tulsa, and Teach for America.
100% of Fellows say they enjoy their time at Impact Academy
100% of Fellows are more willing to take a leadership role in their communities
Our interns come back to be Team Leaders and Fellows for the program
Impact Academy has accelerated the professional trajectory of 50+ Interns, creating a network of socially-innovative professionals across our country and state.
Interns have consulted on 12 high-impact projects in Tulsa, improving outcomes for thousands of local citizens and businesses.
The Details
Internship Details & Schedule
Interns meet with Impact Academy leadership at 3 N Cheyenne for leadership development lessons, project brainstorming, and team time. Fellows devote 40 hours per week on their project, including weekly team meetings, community interviews, surveys, and independent research.
Meeting every weekday for 9 weeks, programming will include:
Full cohort learning seminars, panels, and workshops with local leaders
Project problem-solving sessions with focus area mentors
Group and individual project research sessions meeting and interviewing local stakeholders and organizations
Group and individual work sessions
Project presentations
What's in it for you?:
Meet and learn from leaders in civic, philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and social service organizations.
Experience a problem-solving curriculum — great prep for any future career field.
Connect with numerous organizations with the potential for subsequent internship or employment opportunities.
Complete a project case study worthy of listing on your resume and discussing in job interviews.
Create friendships with other local college students, setting the foundation for strong social circles following graduation.
Experience Tulsa in a completely new way, opening your eyes to the city’s potential and gaining perspective into its future trajectory.
If you’re interested in keeping up with the current Fellows’ projects and learning more, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.